
Monday, April 27, 2015

#WasteNot 30 Day Challenge: Day 4

Today is my fourth day of the #WasteNot challenge, sponsored by Travel Well Magazine. Here's something that is making a difference in our yard waste:

Our new lawn mower!

Because we moved into this house right before the first snow, we've gotten away with very little yard work so far. But now that it's spring and the temperatures are above freezing, the grass is growing again so it was time to go buy a lawn mower. We don't have a ton of lawn, and we preferred not to get a gas powered one, so when this Fiskars reel mower was nearly 50% off at Sears we grabbed it!

How is it waste free? Well, it came with no packaging (it was either a return or discontinued, hence the mark down); it has no emissions and takes only human energy; and after mowing the clippings can either be left in place to add nutrients back into the soil or they can be raked and put in the compost bin.


Linked up to:
Waste Not Want Not Wednesday


  1. Wow, good for you guys! And pushing one of those things around is good exercise, too! Thanks for sharing this on Waste Not Want Not Wednesday, Cheryl :)

    1. It is good exercise for Sean! I'm allergic to grass, so we also wanted to find a mower that would be less awful for my breathing. Not having the exhaust of a gas mower definitely helps!
      Thanks for coming over here Danielle!
