
Monday, April 27, 2015

#WasteNot 30 Day Challenge: Day 3

For Day 3 of the WasteNot Challenge, I'm sharing my homemade lemon curd.

After all of the Passover baking at the beginning of April, I had a bunch of unused egg yolks. Not wanting them to go to waste, I decided to turn them into lemon curd.

This is actually a picture from the last time I made lemon curd, back in CA, but it's the same recipe and I even put it in the same clip top jar! This is the recipe I use. It's delicious!

I love lemon curd on toast, English muffins and scones. I also mix a spoonful into my plain yogurt, sometimes with some blueberries. There are so many great ways to use lemon curd.

What are your favorite ways to eat lemon curd? How are you reducing food waste? Share in the comments!


Linked up to:
Waste Not Want Not Wednesday

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