
Sunday, January 1, 2017

Plans for 2017

I'm not big on making resolutions. It's never been a real tradition for me, and I much prefer setting goals that are achievable to making lofty resolutions. But, I've made a few plans/goals for 2017, so I thought I'd share them.

1) Read a Shakespeare play each month. I'd like to eventually work myself through the complete works, and I figure setting a goal of one per month is achievable, even with all the other plays I'll be reading for work. If I happen to read a Shakespeare play for work, it counts towards that month.

2) Start baking my own bread again. We've fallen out of the habit of baking since moving to CO, and I'd like to start up again.

3) Go camping this summer. Camping was something Sean and I each did a ton growing up, since we were both in scouts, but oddly enough have never really done together. School and work always seemed to get in the way. But we both love the outdoors, so now that neither of us is in school anymore, we must get outside again!

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