
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Garden Update: February 2014

We have some new additions to our balcony garden! Sean and I helped some friends rehome fruit trees at a property scheduled to be bulldozed (sad, but yet so wonderful that the owners reached out to rehome the trees instead of just cutting them all down) and we came home with one blueberry bush, one rose and one gardenia.

The gardenia was a bit out of control for our narrow balcony (forgot to take a picture before I started pruning) and I read that they can do well indoors, so I was considering putting it in the living room. We were in line at Ikea, having found the perfect pot for our living room decor that wouldn't break the bank...and then we thought to double check whether or not gardenias are toxic to cats.

They are.

Bummer. No gardenias indoors for this household.

Living Design: February 2014 Garden

I guess this gardenia may need to go live in my parents' yard.

The blueberry, however, is happily potted next to my herb planter:

Living Design: February 2014 Garden

It's dormant right now of course, but I can't wait to see some growth. And then to pick fresh blueberries off our balcony...

Our other winter/spring plants are doing well. Here are some radishes:

Living Design: February 2014 Garden


Living Design: February 2014 Garden


Living Design: February 2014 Garden

And lastly, the new rose bush tucked away next to the lemon tree (dormant strawberry plant hanging over it)

Living Design: February 2014 Garden

Soon I'll be starting my tomatoes, beans and sugar snap peas. And of course our green onions continue to thrive at ridiculous sizes...I need to get a new picture of them up here because you probably wouldn't believe how big they are unless you saw them!

Do you grow a winter garden? What do you grow? Any helpful hints for container gardening? Share in the comments!

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