
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Living and Growing

Today I want to introduce a few of the "living" things in my home. Aside from me, the husband and the cat, we are growing quite a few organisms in the house.

Our sourdough starter sits on the ledge over the kitchen sink:
It's a few weeks old now, and I'm currently baking the third loaf of bread from this jar of goodness. I was amazed at how easy bread making is once you get started. All it takes is some planning. We use the recipe from The Urban Homestead.

On top of the microwave we grow sprouts:

Sprouts are so easy, all they need is a bit of water each day and good drainage. I add them to sandwiches mostly.

And on the balcony, our lemon tree:
We just planted this beauty in January (on Tu B'Shevat, the Jewish holiday for trees). No ripe lemons yet, but it's still young. We have many pots that will be growing vegetables come spring, but nothing yet to show there.

All of this life in the house is part of the inspiration behind the title "Living Design" so I expect my adventures with living and growing things will foster many more blog posts.

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