
Friday, February 13, 2015

Musical Tables

Last week my aunt visited and helped me tackle some home projects. One project ended up being a new breakfast nook table -- I had been looking for a beautiful, well priced pedestal table so that the nice dining table I had from my grandparents could go in the dining room. Fates aligned and a great table was posted on Craigslist, and we were able to get it plus some counter stools for the island.

So now, this great table is in the breakfast nook:

Living Design: Musical Tables

Living Design: Musical Tables

Living Design: Musical Tables

And this table has moved to the dining room:

Living Design: Musical Tables

It's kind of amazing to actually have a table in the dining room now! It's been a fairly empty room until now, perfect for sorting as we unpacked boxes and figured out where to put things away. But now, all we need to do is clean up the stuff that's still sitting on the floor, get some chairs, and we can actually use this room as a dining room!

I love the look of the antiqued white, and the pedestal has a great shape to it. Not too formal, but not clunky either. The new table has a leaf to make it bigger too, which will be great when we have friends over, or in the future when it's not just me, Sean and Fleck!

We are also planning to get some new chairs for the kitchen -- those ones were free to my roommate during college, and then she gave them to me when we moved out. They've had a great run as freebie chairs, but I'm ready for something a little more comfortable. Not to mention something that stylistically goes with the whole kitchen/family room open area better.

So there will be plenty more kitchen and dining room updates in the future! Stay tuned!

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