
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Twin Accordion Lamps for Twin Desks

One of our projects before the start of this semester was to install new desk lights in the office. This was our setup:

accordion lamp office desk

Two desks side by side, flat file in between. We have one overhead lamp with a paper shade that gives some nice diffuse light, and we used to have an old floor lamp with multi colored shades. We gave the multi colored lamp to some friends when they moved since it really wasn't working for our space (too much glare on Sean's computer screen) and the colors didn't work in our space anyway but it was perfect for the kids' new room. Below is the multi colored floor lamp where it used to live next to my drafting table:

Those pink, green and purple shades are now much more at home in a shared girls room!

I had been eying some  accordion wall lamps like these for some time. It's more than I've ever spent on lighting, but they also look so nice! And after talking about it with Sean, we decided it was worthwhile to shell out the money for beautiful, functional desk lamps.

Here they are after installation:

accordion lamp office desk
(please excuse the poor light balance -- it was rainy so the room wasn't getting any natural light)

Here they are with more accurate light balance:

accoridion lamp office desk

Close up of one of the lamps:

accoridion lamp

We love that they pull out from the wall and move so that we can get direct light anywhere on the desk. We can also angle them in such a way that we get indirect light when working at the computer -- no glare!

Now we just need to finish rehanging the art and diplomas...and I have another small office update coming for you next week. I'm finally making lots of great progress in this room!

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