
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

That's a Whole Lot 'o Latkes!

Happy Chanukah!


As you've probably heard, this year Thanksgiving falls on the first day of Chanukah. I won't go into a detailed explanation of the Hebrew calendar and why Chanukah is so early this year...if you're interested, here is some great info on how the dates of Chanukah and Thanksgiving have intersected in the past, and when they will again (link).


Of course, what this means for me is two days of latkes! We have a somewhat complicated rotation for our Thanksgivings, since Sean grew up always celebrating with each side of his family separately. This year we have Thursday with my family to do "Thanksgivukkah" and Friday with Sean's extended family on his mom's side. Sean has seven cousins on his mom's side, all with spouses or dates, and lots of kids. It's the giant raucous gathering I never had as a kid! This year there will be about 25 people at our Friday feast, and I'm making the latkes!

I probably won't get the chance to share any pictures of latkes until after the Thanksgiving weekend...oh, who am I kidding. I won't get the chance to share them until winter break! But until then, I wanted to share what our current Thanksgiva-Christma-Chanukah decorations look like. Dreidels, menorahs, Nutcrackers, ornaments, pumpkins and squash. What more could you want?


Wishing everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving, and a festive Chanukah!

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