
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Garden Progress

It's spring now, and the garden is letting me know it!

Even though we only have a balcony, we grow a good chunk of our produce. Here are some of the plants that are doing well right now:

 Our lemon tree is starting to bloom! I can't wait to get some fresh lemons from it.

One of the six pea pods I planted has grown...considering the number of birds I've caught on the balcony, I guess that's not a bad figure. I'll need to look into netting or something to protect my seedlings next year. We're looking forward to the crisp sugar snap peas!

And our nasturtiums are doing well, as always! I like to pick the leaves when they're small and tender and add them to salads. I've also seen some ideas on how to eat the flowers, but haven't tried that yet. Maybe an experiment for this summer!

In addition to what you see here, we're growing parsley, basil, strawberries, tomatoes, lettuce, pole beans and carrots. The balcony also houses some chairs, and soon a BBQ (just need to move it over here from my parents' house). We're also planning to add a worm bin to the balcony this spring...details to come if that pulls through!

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