
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Weekly Meal Plan 4.27.14

This week's meal plan:

Sunday: belated Easter dinner with Sean's family

Monday: leftovers

Tuesday: Roasted Squash and Mushroom Pasta

Wednesday: slow cooker split pea soup

Thursday: leftovers

Friday: more leftovers? dinner out?

Saturday: sweet potato skins & salad

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Weekly Meal Plan 4.20.14

I'm a couple days late posting this week's meal plan, but here it is:

Sunday: Morrocan kale salad

Monday: leftovers

Tuesday: baked penne with chicken & sun dried tomatoes

Wednesday: ?? Haven't figured out what I want to do here...maybe go out to dinner

Thursday: leftovers

Friday: cheddar thyme potato knishes

Saturday: beef and veggie enchiladas using this sauce

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Weekly Meal Plan 4.13.14

Happy Passover!

The holiday to commemorate Moses taking the Israelites out of Egypt is celebrated by a week in which we eat no leavened bread. As a kid, this sometimes seemed like a hardship because there were no sandwiches for lunch, and I couldn't eat any of the Easter candy my friends would bring to school (since Easter often occurs during Passover). As an adult, however, Passover has become one of my favorite holidays because it is full of delicious food we eat only once a year. There are the traditional foods, like charosets and gefilte fish, and then there are family traditions like spinach cheese balls! All of it is wonderful and extra special because it only happens once a year.

And without further ado, here is this week's menu.

Sunday: eat up the last of the leftovers!

Monday: Passover Seder at my parents' house

Tuesday: potato quiche (from Design Megillah last year - loved this one!)

Wednesday: Passover beet salad & leftover lamb from Seder

Thursday: leftovers

Friday: cheese soufflé and salad (using matzah cake meal in place of the flour for the soufflé)

Saturday: spinach cheese balls

Living Design Passover Meal Plan
my artsy picture of spinach cheese balls from last year

Monday, April 7, 2014

Thesis. Time for a Hiatus

No sooner do I come up with a great idea for my Conservation Monday series, which would combine my passions for design/decor and the earth, than thesis work becomes an all consuming force.

In an effort to help me focus during these last two months of grad school, I'm going to take a temporary hiatus from blogging.

I plan to still post my weekly meal plans, because I have found that they help with my kitchen accountability. If I told the internet that I'm cooking X tonight, I better cook it, right? Silly maybe, but it's helped us with our food waste and budget so I can't argue.

But aside from weekly meal plans, and perhaps the occasional photo dump, I will probably not be posting anything until Memorial Day. Graduation is in sight, and during the summer I will be back!

Living Design
some tulips from the farmer's market last week - a lovely bit of spring

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Weekly Meal Plan 4.6.14

It's the last full week before Passover begins, so this weeks meal plan is focused on eating up all the chametz, or leavened food, in the house. During Passover we don't eat any bread products other than specially cooked matzah.

It's also finally warm enough for grilling! Sean and I are so happy for this lovely warm weather. Not that I'd be upset if we got a few more rainstorms, we still need rain here!

The week's menu:

Sunday: grilled steak, mushrooms and sourdough flatbreads

Monday: leftovers

Tuesday: eggs & croutons & steamed broccoli (from The Farmstead Egg Guide and Cookbook)

Wednesday: mustard pork chops and kale (these weren't made last Saturday because of a meeting, so onto this week's menu they go!)

Thursday: leftovers

Friday: spring onion bread pudding & leftover steak

Saturday: either leftovers or dinner out after our "niece's" 1st birthday party